Booking Sheet

Booking Information

  • To book a court, register an account on ClubSpark, select an available date and time, and book. More infomation regarding booking rules can be found here. Prices below:

The booking charges are listed below:

The booking charges are listed below:

Peak time Fee
Mon-Fri after 4pm, All day Sat & Sun

£4.70 for a 30 minute booking  
£9.40 for a 60 minute booking 

Off-peak time Fee
(All other times)

£3.40 for a 30 minute booking 
£6.80 for a 60 minute booking 

Concession Peak time Fee
Mon-Fri after 4pm, All day Sat & Sun

£3.10 for a 30 minute booking 
£6.20 for a 60 minute booking 

Concession Off-peak time Fee
(All other times)

£2.55 for a 30 minute booking 
£5.10 for a 60 minute booking 

Annual Membership Peak time Fee
Mon-Fri after 4pm, All day Sat & Sun

£3.35 for a 30 minute booking 
£6.70 for a 60 minute booking 

Annual Membership Off-peak time Fee
(All other times)

£2.60 for a 30 minute booking 
£5.20 for a 60 minute booking 

All under 18's are entitled to our free youth membership . This will enable them to book once a day for 30 minutes with no charge.
For more information on our memberships and concession, please go to the membership tab

• Printing your booking confirmation or having it on your mobile phone is helpful proof when attending the venue.

• Bookings can be made 7 days in advance. This means a player can book up to 7 days in advance of the date they would like to book

• The new day of court bookings will be released daily at 8pm.

• Individuals can only book a court for 1 hour or 30 minutes each day.

• The courts are not floodlit, so please ensure that you do not book a slot when it will be dark.

• When booked, one, two, three or four people may use the court.

• Please wear appropriate footwear when playing. Please be considerate of others at all times when playing and ensure that shirts are worn on the court even in very hot weather. 

Due to a technical issue, some booking slots are being booked by multiple people. To check if you have the booking secured, please check the booking calendar to see if you have the slot. If your name is not on the calendar, you dont have the bookng and you wont be charged.

•  Please see the Booking Info page HERE for our cancellation policy.