Welcome to Tennis in Southwark

New booking terms and conditions

Southwark Council has changed the booking terms and conditions for using our park courts and this will be implemented in full from 02 July 2024. 

We have adult concession opportunities and a FREE Junior membership - both require proof of qualifying criteria, e.g. photo proof of Southwark residency. 
There will be an expanded coaching and competition offer this summer from our approved providers that can be found on the associated tennis pages - please note only our approved providers are permitted to coach in Southwark parks.

Details on booking fees can be found here
Membership sign up can be found here

For more information, please contact sports@southwark.gov.uk


Introduction to Southwark tennis

Southwark Council has eight park venues with tennis courts. Court time is reserved using this booking system.

You can book tennis courts at the following sites - Belair Park, Burgess Park, Brunswick Park, Dulwich Park, Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, Honor Oak Recreation Ground, Southwark Park and Tanner Street Park.

Find out more about making a booking and our charges


Check out the link to see about our membership offers!

Where to play

Here are the Tennis in Southwark venues where you can play. Choose a venue to visit...

  1. Belair Park

    Gallery Rd, Camberwell, Southwark, Surrey, SE21 7EX

  2. Brunswick Park (Southwark)

    St Giles Rd, LONDON, Surrey, SE5 7RH

  3. Burgess Park

    Burgess Park Tennis Centre, 44 Addington Square, London, London, SE5 7LA

  4. Dulwich Park

    College Rd, Dulwich Village, LONDON, Surrey, SE21 7EB

  5. Geraldine Mary Harmsworth

    Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Sports Facility, St George's Road, London, London, SE1 6ER

  6. Honor Oak Recreation Ground

    87 Honor Oak Park, London, London, SE23 3LB

  7. Southwark Park

    Jamaica Rd, Camberwell, LONDON, Surrey, SE16 2TX

  8. Tanner St Park

    Tanner Street, Bermondsey, Kent, SE1 3LL

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Southwark Council