Cancellation reasons - Like all outdoor activities we are sometimes affected by bad weather conditions such as heavy or persistent rain but poor weather can also be due to other factors such as ice, gale force winds or extreme heat (temp above 30 degrees Centigrade). Besides the weather, there may be other occasions where a session needs to be cancelled such as coach illness or insufficient players signed up. In all cases, the decision on whether to cancel a session will be taken soley by the Coach responsible for that session.
Sessions may continue in light rain showers if the coach feels it is appropriate and safe to do so and will only typically be cancelled in the event that the forecast and/or rain radar (net weather app is our primary rain radar) is for heavy rain which is likely to make the courts unplayable either before or during the session*
In cases of extreme heat (temp above 30 degrees), we follow the guidelines set by the sunguarding sport campaign short "shade" breaks may be built into sessions. Parents/guardians are advised to provide their child with suitable clothing (lightweight rain jacket, sunhat, sports clothing and trainers, the use of SPF30-50+ sunscreen applied in advance and plenty of water in a suitable container). In rare but extreme cases of hot weather, the coach may decide that it is too hot to run sessions and parents/guardians will be notified of a cancellation as detailed in this policy ie via the relevant WhatsApp channel.
Our approach is always to try our best to play but ultimately we don’t control the weather and in the UK the weather can be very changeable, making cancellation decisions extremely challen ging. We won't always get it right but ask that parents/guardians appreciate that in all cases, the health and safety of our players is our first priority and would therefore request that all parents/guardians understand and respect the coaches decision.
Notification of cancellation - Parents/guardians should always assume sessions are ON unless they hear otherwise via the relevant squads WhatsApp group. Individual notifications will not be sent and hence it is the responsilibity of the parent/guardian to check for any notification on the WhatsApp group prior to travelling. In recognition of the fact that some players travel a fair distance to sessions, the coach will make a final decision on whether a session will proceed at least 30mins ahead of the start time (more notice will be given where rain or other extreme weather is clearly set in for the day).
Occasionally there are times when sessions have to be cancelled mid session, possibly due to a sudden and unexpected downpour. For this reason, we ask that all parents stay nearby so that they are available immediately if we have to come off court. If at least the first 20mins of the session has been completed, that session will be deemed to have completed (see point 2 below).
* whilst the courts where we operate are broadly referred to as all-weather surfaces, they can still be subject to flash flooding (sudden downpour), surface ice (overnight frost) or risks posed by thunder and lighting. All such cases would make the courts temporarily unplayable.
Make up sessions, credits and refunds - What happens when sessions are cancelled by the coach:
- Where a whole session in a term time squad is cancelled, we we will use best endeavours to arrange and run a "make up" session, most likely at the end of the half term or by running a "double" session during the half term. Where this is not possible, a credit or discount to the value of the class missed will be given towards fees for the next half term.
- Where a partial session in a term time squad is cancelled i.e due to a sudden downpour mid session, no credit or make up session will be applicable providing the session completed half of its duration (typically 20mins) as in these circumstances the session will be considered to have completed. If the session had to be abandoned/cancelled prior to the 20min deadline then the policy as detailed under item 1 would apply.
- No credit/discount will be applicable for sessions in a term time squad that run but a parent/guardian decides not to send their child to that session for whatever reason. Term time squads are paid for as a "block" and credit will not be given for individual sessions missed for any reason.
- Refunds will only by considered in exceptional circumstances e.g. withdrawal from a squad mid-term due to medical circumstances (a medical certificate will be required)
- A credit for a "pay as you go" session will only be given where a 48 hour advance notice is given by the attendee.
For further information about this content contact Coach Carl via the "Contact Us" form.