
Social Tennis

Members are welcome to use the courts at any time between 7am and 10pm except when matches are on. The courts can be used all year round. If you need floodlights (adult members only) these are token operated and the token machine is located in the clubhouse (you will need a key at £6.50 for the clubhouse), tokens £4 each available from behind the bar in the Rec Centre. A token will last for an hour.

Here are some of our social sessions:

Ladies Social Tennis
Tuesday evenings – Ladies only from 18:00 (floodlights in Winter).
Any age, any standard, we will make you welcome.
This is not a team practise night but a social evening with varying standards of player so just turn up and see how you get on.

Return to Tennis
Monday and Thursday mornings, drop in sessions 09:30 -11:00ish. These are popular sessions with between 4 and 12 players. It's always good to see new faces and sometimes (when we are free of restrictions!) share a coffee and chat afterwards. Please don’t feel intimidated, it doesn’t have to be a regular commitment!
Any age, any standard very welcome.

Club Night
Thursday evenings from 18:00 – just turn up. All welcome and if you are new to the club its a good way to meet other members.
We usually play 5 or 7 games then swap round.

Men’s Practice
Saturdays from 15:00 (Nov to March 14:00)
Sound like a Team practice, but it isn't! Good tennis, good banter and good social. All welcome, all year.