Daily and Yearly Calendars

Daily Playing Arrangements

Day 7.30 - 1pm 1pm - 10pm
Sunday 10am to 1pm - Junior matches (May to June) 2 courts allocated every Sunday, May to June (as we now have two teams).      2pm to 5pm - Adult Social Tennis (All courts allocated)

Presidents Day (September, All courts allocated). 

1.30pm to 9pm - Grove Finals Day (Mid-September, All courts allocated)
Monday   1.30pm to 3.30pm - Midweek members.
A regular session for midweek members but full members are welcome to join in.

5pm to 6pm - Coaching (During Term Time)
Full Ball ( ages 11 to 14 years) - Empty courts can be used with Coaches permission
6.15pm to 7.15pm (from early March) - Cardio Tennis for ladies.

6pm to 10pm - Ladies Match Practice ( from early April for the duration of the season) All courts allocated but empty courts can be used with Team Captain's permission.

2pm to 5pm - Bank Holiday Tournaments (All courts allocated)
Tuesday   5pm to 6.30pm - Coaching (During Term Time)
Full Ball ( ages 15+) - Empty courts can be used with Coaches permission

7pm to 10pm - Adult Social Tennis (All courts allocated)
Wednesday   1-30pm to 3-30pm - Midweek members. A regular session for midweek members but full members are welcome to join in.

6pm to 10pm - Men's Match Practice (Mid-March to June). All courts allocated but empty courts can be used with Team Captain's permission)

6pm to 10pm - Mixed Teams Match Practice (July to September. All courts allocated but empty courts can be used with Team Captain's permission)
Thursday   3.45pm to 4.30pm - Coaching (During Term Time) - Mini Red (Ages 5 to 8) - Empty courts can be used with Coaches permission

4.30pm to 5.15pm - Coaching (During Term Time) - Mini Orange (Ages 8 to 9) - Empty courts can be used with Coaches permission

5.15pm to 6pm - Coaching (During Term Time) - Mini Greens (Ages 9 to 10) - Empty courts can be used with Coaches permission

6pm to 10pm - Ladies Team Matches (From late April to July)
Friday   1.30pm to 3.30pm - Midweek members. A regular session for midweek members but full members are welcome to join in.

4.30pm to 6pm - Juniors Match Play. Overseen by a member of the coaching team, designed for Juniors who can play strokes, serve and score. 

7pm to 10pm - Adult Social Tennis (All courts allocated)
Saturday 9.30am to 10.15am - Coaching - Mini Orange (Ages 8 to 9)

10.15am to 11am - Coaching - Mini Red (Ages 5 to 8) 

11am to 12pm - Coaching - Mini Green (Ages 9 to 10) 
2pm to 7pm - Men's Team Matches (from late April) 

2pm to 7pm - Saturday Mixed Team Matches (from mid-July) 

1pm to 5pm - Winter League Matches (From October to Feb / March, 2 courts allocated)


12.30pm to 1.30pm - Adult Group Coaching


Calendar of Events 2025

When Time Event
Mondays from 3rd March 6pm Ladies Match Practice
Wednesdays from 12th March 6pm Men’s Match Practice 
Monday 21st April 2pm Easter Bank Holiday Tournament
Saturdays from 26th April 2pm Men’s Matches start (except 24th May & 14th June).
Thursdays from 1st May 6pm Ladies Matches start (except 29th May & 12th June).
Tuesdays from 6th May 2pm Midweek matches start (except 27th May & 10th June).          
Monday 5th May 2pm May Day American Tournament
Monday 26th May 2pm Spring Bank American Tournament .
Saturday 5th July 6pm BBQ after last men’s match + QUIZ
Thursdays from 31st July 6pm Ladies Late Summer Matches start
Saturdays from 26th July 2pm Saturday Mixed Matches start (except 23rd August).
Saturdays from 26th July 2pm Saturday Late Summer Men's Matches start (except 23rd August).
Monday 25th August 2pm August Bank Holiday American Tournament
Sunday 7th September 2pm PRESIDENT’S DAY with American Tournament + Tea           
Sunday 21t September 10am/2pm Club Finals - Juniors (10am) & Seniors (2pm)
Saturdays from 4th October 1pm Winter League Matches start
Friday 7th November 7 for 7.30pm GROVE MEAL & TROPHY PRESENTATION - At Abbeydale Golf Club, Twentywell Lane
Saturday 22nd November 7 for 7.30pm S. & D. Dinner – Mercure Hotel, near Town Hall