We have a well established and popular Lottery at Marlborough  Tennis.

The 50:50 Lottery works on the simple principle that 50% of the monies raised will go in to a "Club Improvements Fund" and 50% will be returned to members by way of prize money in a monthly draw.

We have sold all 100 numbers available for the lottery which is great news and that means our prize money each month stands at £500 with £250 for the winner, £150 for 2nd place and £100 for 3rd. The monthly draw takes place around the middle of each month and the results are announced on the whatsapp "Social" group and in an email to all members. 

The Lottery funds have so far contributed to the defibrillator and the tables and chairs which will adorn the new terrace. We have also purchased additional benches for the courts and have a number of projects in mind once the clubhouse has been completed. Those lottery funds will continue to be invested in improving the club for all members. 

In the rare and unlikely event that a lottery number should become available for purchase, we will advertise it on the social whatsapp group. Members will be invited to purchase the number for a commitment of £10 each month, payable by direct debit. Any such numbers will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

Members should contact Peter May with any questions.  The lottery is open to everyone aged 16 and over. 

Thanks to everyone who is supporting the club by participating in the lottery!