
Membership Details

Information for new members

Junior memberships are £25, with persons aged 18 being able to join the Club as an Adult member.

Family packages that save money, as compared with 2 adult members, are also available, with discounts for New Earswick's residents.

New Earswick resident families can join for as little as £120 for the year, with New Earswick resident adult single memberships are £65.

New Adult memberships for non New Earswick residents are £90, with a family being able to join from £150


2023 season

Adult Single Members Full

 £ 90.00

Adult Single Members New Earswick resident




Adult Family Members Full


Adult Family Members New Earswick Resident




Junior Single Members Full




Member’s Guest fee (able to play 3 times then must join to continue to play)


Membership fees includes £15.00 for Sports Club Membership

League (home) matches take precedence over normal play but notice of matches is given in advance to all members by email or on the notice board (a printed fixture list will be available).


            Club night is on a Monday, from 6.30pm.


Look out for emails, posters and further details on our Facebook page:  New Ears wick Tennis Club

Doubles play takes precedence over singles if there are members waiting to play.

Teams. We have ladies, mens and mixed teams in the York leagues.


Events are organised throughout the year.  The year runs from 1st April - 30th March.