Contact us: If you have any queries please contact us by sending an email including your name and phone number to:
We will reply as soon as possible.
Committee and Officers 2022-2023
Chair - Gordon Cameron (Tel.01669 621179 or email
Vice chair - Peter Duguid (
Secretary - Chris Cann (
Treasurer - Jan Deckers (
Welfare Officer - Ruth Hamilton (
Junior reps - Ben & Ellie Wickens
Membership Secretary - Sue Barwood (
Members - Gordon Cameron, Peter Duguid, Jan Deckers, Ruth Hamilton, Mike Jevons, Chris Cann, Flora Cann, Grant Watson & Judy Glover.
Any member interested in being on the committee, please let your wishes be known to any committee member. We only have 4 meetings a year.
Where to find us
Rothbury Tennis Club
Riverside ROTHBURY Northumberland NE65 7NS