Join now and get a full membership until 1st April 2026
Please select the package you require below to sign up.
Bank transfer details confirmed below:
Lloyds Bank: Sort Code 30-98-90: Account 16939668.
Please do not pay into the coaching account (used for group and individual lessons) as this will delay your membership.
Don't forget to read our Data Privacy policy as we store your data on the Clubspark membership system. Also remember to register with the LTA for free which gives you benefits such as Wimbledon Tickets. Our club's allocation is determined by the number of LTA members we have, so the more members who register, the bigger the ticket allocation! All allocated tickets are made available to our members in a club ballot.
Click here to login or join the LTA for Wimbledon Ballot Opt In (follow the on screen instructions)
New Members
Members benefits include:
- Priority and discounted rates for coaching sessions
- Book courts online upto 2 weeks in advance using our online booking system
- Free use of our ball machine
- Free social tennis
- Club events and singles ladder and tournaments
- Opportunity to participate in competitive local leagues
- Participation in the ballot for Wimbledon tickets
- Floodlight tokens and clubhouse key available from the poppleton Social
If you are thinking of joining the club please come down with your racquet to Wednesday evening Club Night at 6.30 pm - club members will be on hand to welcome you! Balls and floodlights are provided. Potential new members can also pop down to mens social tennis Sundays 10-12. September to Mid March.
Members can invite non - members to play up to 3 times. Guest names should be included when the club member books a court. Members are responsible for their guests and for paying a £5 fee per guest for each session - £2.50 for students / juniors.
Guest please make payment via Bank Transfer: Poppleton LTC: Lloyds Bank: Sort code: 30-98-90 Account: 16939668. With the date of visit and the members name as a reference.
Adult Full 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Adult Membership
Eligibility: Adults 18 or over - other than those in full time education
Adult Weekday 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Weekday access until 15:30
Eligibility: Adults 18 or over in full time education
Chaperone 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Adult accompanying a junior / child member
Child Full 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
A full child membership
Eligibility: Children under 10
Family 1 adult 1 child/junior/student 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Joint Membership
Eligibility: 1 adult 1 child/junior/student
Up to 2 members
Family 1 adult 2 children/juniors/students 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Membership
Eligibility: 1 adult and 2 children/juniors/students
Up to 3 members
Family 1 adult 3 children/juniors/students 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Membership
Eligibility: 1 adult 3 children/juniors/students 25-26
Up to 4 members
Family 2 Adults
08/03/2025- 31/03/2026
Joint membership for 2 adults partners
Eligibility: Adults 18+
Up to 2 members
Family 2 adults 1 child/junior/student 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Membership
Eligibility: 2 adults and 1 child/junior/student
Up to 3 members
Family 2 adults 2 children/juniors/students 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Membership
Eligibility: 2 adults 2 children/juniors/students
Up to 1 member
Family 2 adults 3 children/juniors/students 25-26
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Membership
Eligibility: 2 adults and 3 children/juniors/students
Up to 5 members
Junior Full 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Junior Membership
Eligibility: Children between 10 & 17 years of age
Student 2025-2026
06/02/2025- 31/03/2026
Adults in full time education
Eligibility: 18 or over in full time education