Club Rules
- Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the grounds or the clubhouse.
- Appropriate tennis shoes or non-marking shoes only to be worn on court, coloured clothing is allowed.
- Guests are welcome, the accompanying member should pay for the guest fees online via the club's website. This can be done by booking a court and entering the participants details. Please make sure you have selected guest for the non-members and then enter your payment details. Members are responsible for guests abiding by the club rules.
- It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to make sure that any junior member is under their supervision or their approved nominated older member at all times whilst on club premises.
- Courts are open for play from 8:00am Mondays to Fridays, and from 9:00am at weekends, until 10:00pm.
- Tennis balls are provided by the club, after use all balls should be returned to the clubhouse and are not to be removed from the premises unless authorised by a committee member.
- Any balls knocked over the fence must be retrieved, if from neighboring gardens please respect their privacy and premises.
- Junior members may only use the clubhouse with adult supervision.
- If juniors are using the changing facilities, they must use them under parent supervision.
- If other members are using the changing facilities, please wait until they’re finished or use another suitable changing room. Adults and children must use separate changing rooms whilst getting ready unless an adult of the child is helping them to get changed.
- It is the responsibility of the member to make sure that the club premises and playing conditions are safe, the club takes no responsibility for accidents that may have been caused by the conditions.
- Tennis shall not be played if there is any frost on the courts.
- Do not take food, sweets, crisps or chewing gum onto the courts.
- Please make sure you brush the courts you have played on after use.
- Respect other players, do not walk across courts that are in use, walk along the back but only after a point has finished.
- Only paid up members are allowed to play in matches and club tournaments.
- The clubhouse will be kept clean and tidy at all times. All those making use of the kitchen facilities will wash their used items before leaving the clubhouse. The showers and changing areas should be left as you would expect to find them.
- The last person to come off the tennis club premises will ensure that the clubhouse and gate are secured, including that all taps, lights and electric plugs are turned off and all the windows are closed.
- Members will report any misuse of the premises or facilities to a committee member without delay.
- If membership is cancelled during the year no refund will be given.
- The club cannot be responsible for loss or damage to members or guest's property whilst on the premises.
- Respect residents and other players particularly do not use bad language on the premises.
Infringements of any of these rules may mean an immediate ban from using the courts and clubhouse, anyone infringing these rules may be excluded from membership after investigation and agreement by the committee.