
Pangbourne Tennis Club offers activities all year round for everyone:

  • coaching programmes for juniors and adults, including our “Back to Tennis” programme for those who haven’t played for some time and “Start to Play” for adult newcomers to tennis
  • open days, club tournaments and club nights
  • mixed, ladies and men’s teams competing in the Newbury and District League
  • regular “social tennis” sessions open to all members
  • friendly matches between members with our “free matches” programmes
  • the court booking page provides visibility of courts utilisation and allows members to book in advance

Please access the various pages through the navigation menu to find out more. 


A typical week at Pangbourne Tennis Club:


Day Activity Time (*)
Saturday Mens C Team Matches 10am-1pm (**)
Saturday Social Doubles 2pm-3:30pm
Sunday Adult Coaching 10am-12:30pm
Monday Mixed Team Matches or Practice (**)  6:30pm-9pm
Tuesday Adult Coaching 5:30pm-20:30pm
Wednesday Ladies Social Doubles 9:30am-11:30am
Wednesday Ladies & Mens B Team Matches (**) 6:30pm-9pm
Thursday Ladies & Mens A Team Matches (**)  6:30pm-9pm
Friday Junior Coaching (Spring to late summer) 4:30pm-7:30pm
Friday Social Doubles (Autumn and Winter)


Friday Social Doubles (Spring to late summer) 7:30pm-9pm

(*) Exact time may change during the year, please check latest emails and the coaching page for actual course or session time

(**) Fixtures are not every week and courts will only be booked when required. Ladies and Men's team matches run from May to August. Outside these months, team practice usually takes place on Thursday evenings. Mixed team matches run during winter and summer.