


Membership Fees, Match Play and the PCS Courts

Membership payments

Please ensure that you have paid your membership fees for the 2024/2025 season that started on 1 April 2024. If you have not paid but wish to remain a member, please pay as soon as possible. If you no longer wish to be a member,  we would be grateful if you could return your fob. If you have not paid your membership your fob will be deactivtated shortly.

Thank you!

Start of the Dunlop Northumberland and Durham League

Matches for the teams in the League will soon start, so please check the board for when the courts will be unavailable for general play. If the PLT courts are busy you can always use the Ponteland Community School courts during their available times. 

Ponteland Community School Courts

Please be aware that the right hand side tennis court at the Primary School site is deemed not fit/safe for play due to lying moss.  The PLTC Committee ask you not to use this court until the moss has been removed.  Please note that if you choose to play on this court you do so at your own risk.