Booking app

Having problems with the BOOKING app?
If you are struggling to book via the app our best advice is:
- Delete the app altogether from your phone

- Reinstall it 

- When you sign in, ensure you use the same LTA details you now use to login to the club website.  Avoid allowing any automated fill-in of your ID or password – the app may still reject you even though you think you’ve entered the correct details. Type your user ID and your password in digit by digit – this has worked for a number of people who’ve had the same experience of being locked out of the Booker app.

- If that fails try consulting the Clubspark Booker App FAQs page

If nothing is working for you email Clubspark's support team directly and explain your problem. 

Good luck
Of course, providing you're able to login to the RLTC club website, you can still book courts and manage those bookings on the club’s Book a court web page.