Codes of Conduct

To all members and guests at Rothbury Lawn Tennis Club

In January 2025 the Lawn Tennis Association introduced new Codes of Conduct for participants, coaches and persons supporting players.  As an LTA affiliated club, the RLTC committee has agreed to adopt Codes of Conduct for our club reflecting those of the LTA. These codes reaffirm RLTC's goal to grow tennis by making it more welcoming, enjoyable and inspiring to everyone, as well as reflecting generally recognised standards of disciplined and good sporting behaviour.  It will be a requirement for all members to agree to abide by these when they renew their membership.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


The purpose of the Codes of Conduct:

The purpose is to set out the standards of conduct that are expected and required of participants and are based upon the standards set out by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) (LTA Codes of Conduct). The Rothbury Lawn Tennis Club’s (RLTC) Codes reflect the Club’s goal to grow tennis by making it more welcoming, enjoyable and inspiring to everyone, as well as reflecting generally recognised standards of disciplined and good sporting behaviour.

Which standards apply to me?

You will see that this Code of Conduct is arranged so that the standards which apply to every participant (irrespective of their role or participation in the game) are set out first and then, for certain participant groups, additional more specific standards are set out which are applicable to that particular group. Please ensure that you are familiar with all standards applicable to you and note that not being aware of a standard will not be an acceptable reason for not complying.

What are the consequences of not complying?

If you do not comply with any one or more of the standards set out in these Codes of Conduct, then it may result in the RLTC bringing disciplinary proceedings or taking other action including exclusion from RLTC.

1. Each participant must:

1.1 conduct themself, and ensure that any person supporting, working with, treating or assisting them (including any person supporting a player) conducts themself in a professional and appropriate manner and in accordance with the highest standards of disciplined and sporting behaviour and integrity and in the best interests of the game;

1.2 help to create a safe, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and enjoyable environment, both on and off the court;

1.3 treat all other participants (including officials) fairly and with respect;

1.4 encourage other participants to have respect for one another and to conduct themselves with integrity;

1.5 not verbally, physically or emotionally abuse any other participant in any way;

1.6 not act or do anything (physically and/or orally) in a violent, threatening, intimidating, harassing or deliberately provocative way or in a way which may reasonably be interpreted as such (which interpretation may arise from the repetitive nature, cumulative effect and/or pattern of behaviour), or which is, or may reasonably be interpreted as, intended to offend, insult, humiliate, ridicule or cause harm or fear;

1.7 value diversity and not unlawfully discriminate against anyone, or treat anyone less favourably or unfavourably by reason of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, race (including colour, nationality, or ethnic or national origins), religion, belief (including religious, philosophical or lack of belief), sex or sexual orientation;

1.8 not do anything, on or off the court, that (i) is or may be (a) unsporting, (b) insulting, and/or (c) contrary to the integrity of, adversely affects and/or detrimental to the interests of, the game, and/or (ii) brings or has the potential to bring the game, a tennis event, another participant, themself, the RLTC into disrepute;

1.9 not use any language, or make any communication or statement, on or off the court (including in e-mail, online, on social networking platforms or on group chat or messaging applications or sites) whether orally or in writing, that is or may be contrary to, or not compliant with, any other standard set out in these Codes of Conduct;

1.10 not use an audible obscenity and/or make an obscene gesture of any kind (including towards another participant) while participating in any way in, or in connection with, the game (including playing, coaching, supporting and spectating);

1.11 take responsibility for their actions or conduct, and the effects of those actions or conduct, and not condone conduct that breaches these Codes of Conduct;

1.12 comply with all rules, regulations, policies, Codes of Conduct, codes of behaviour, protocols and procedures adopted or issued from time to time by RLTC;

1.13 comply with all laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, guidance and advice (including those relating to COVID-19) made or issued from time to time by the UK government (or any other relevant government, or governmental or public health department or authority) which directly or indirectly apply in connection with the game of tennis in any way, including for participation in or travel in connection with any participation in tennis;

1.14 keep confidential any confidential information disclosed to, or obtained by them in their capacity as a participant (for example, medical information relating to a player);

1.15 assist RLTC in ensuring the safety and welfare of children and adults at risk who are involved in the game of tennis in any way by maintaining appropriate standards of conduct and behaviour in their dealings with children and adults at risk in accordance with RLTC Safeguarding Policy and promptly report any concerns or worries to the Welfare Officer;

1.16 not commit a criminal offence (or commit any act, or engage in other conduct, that would constitute a criminal offence), whether or not committed/conducted in a tennis context, that RLTC believes would adversely affect the sport, the reputation of the sport, or any other participant;

1.17 not participate in, or in connection with, the game in any way (including playing, coaching and officiating) having ingested or used or while under the influence (or potentially under the influence) of any (i) drug (except one required for legitimate medical treatment) or illegal substance of any kind, whether or not performance enhancing, or (ii) “Prohibited Substance” in terms of the LTA Anti-Doping Regulations;

1.18 comply with the reasonable directions of RLTC or any official;

1.19 if so requested, cooperate fully with any RLTC investigation and provide comprehensive, honest and accurate information and responses; and

1.20 comply with the spirit and intent of the standards set out in these Codes of Conduct.

2. Players, in addition to the above standards, must:

2.1 act with honesty, integrity and in a sporting manner (including with regard to any on court matters such as line calls);

2.2 accept and respect (i) the authority of officials, (ii) the role of officials in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to the relevant rules and regulations and (iii) decisions made by officials;

2.3 not violently, dangerously, in anger, or with the intention to cause harm or damage to a person, hit, kick, throw or use as a weapon, a tennis ball, racket, or other equipment;

2.4 not play at RLTC with or against, a participant who is under suspension or ban;

2.5 not discard or hit any balls that are no longer useful to them, either onto other courts or outside the courts, but dispose of them in the bin or take them home;

2.6 dispose of any litter in the bins.

3. Each parent, coach and other person supporting a player must:

3.1 act as a positive role model by maintaining the highest standards of disciplined and sporting behaviour and projecting a favourable image of tennis and (where relevant) the tennis coaching profession or other game-related vocation;

3.2 accept and respect (i) the authority of officials, (ii) the role of officials in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to the relevant rules and regulations and (iii) decisions made by officials;

3.3 refrain from (i) becoming involved in any on court/in-match matter, including line calls and scores; (ii) engaging with the player’s opponent(s) and/or playing partner; and/or (iii) engaging with the opponent’s player support person(s) or any other participant(s), other than in a positive and respectful manner;

3.4 act in the best interests of the player(s) they support, including by being honest, realistic and consistent with them, and teaching them (and accepting) that the player(s) can only do their best;

3.5 be sensitive to each player’s self-esteem when providing constructive feedback, including where the player may have made a mistake or lost a match;

3.6 involve each player in decisions that will affect them;

3.7 prepare each player to respond to success and failure in a dignified manner and encourage and facilitate each player’s independence and responsibility for their own behaviour, performance, decisions and actions;

3.8 actively discourage the ingestion or use of any (i) drug (except one required for legitimate medical treatment) or illegal substance of any kind, in either case whether or not performance-enhancing, or (ii) “Prohibited Substance” in terms of the LTA Anti-Doping Regulations;

4. Each coach and other person supporting a player (with the exception of the parent, guardian, carer, family member and relative of the player in question) must:

4.1 be aware of power imbalances that may arise between a coach or other person supporting a player and a player;

4.2 maintain appropriate boundaries and relationships (including online, on social networking platforms or on group chat or messaging applications or sites), and avoid any improper intimacy (sexual or otherwise) with a player while that relationship exists;

4.3 ensure that any physical contact is appropriate and necessary, and is carried out within applicable guidelines, and (except in a medical emergency) only with the player’s (and/or, if the player is under 18 or an adult at risk, their parent’s, guardian’s, carer’s, family member’s or relative’s) consent;

4.4 avoid situations with players that could be construed as improper or compromising, and actions that could be perceived as improper or inappropriate;

4.5 avoid being alone (including for travel) with a child or an adult at risk, except only when necessary for the proper performance of their professional services (for example, on court for 1:1 coaching session);

4.6 when providing any service, provide a positive experience, appropriate to the age and developmental stage of each player, that respects their long-term welfare and best interests, and recognise the player’s right to consult with other player support persons and other specialists; and

4.7 not misrepresent their qualifications, professional affiliations and/or experience.

5. Each coach must:

5.1 fully engage in and give maximum effort during all training undertaken (including continuing professional development (CPD)) and when leading or otherwise delivering coaching; and

5.2 maintain a high level of personal hygiene and a professional appearance (including with regard to the equipment used and its state of repair).

Rothbury Lawn Tennis Club
