

Terms for using Southwark Council tennis courts

When registering and using a Southwark Council park tennis court, the booker is accepting of the following terms of use:

  • Users must have correct contact and payment details linked to their account on Clubspark. Use of false details is prohibited, and the account will be closed and associated details blocked from being used.
  • Individuals are only allowed one account for use on Clubspark. If an individual is deliberately using multiple profiles to accumulate court time, then they will be deleted and the individual blocked from using Clubspark for 6 months.
  • Courts must not be booked for any other purpose than playing tennis.
  • The Council will block the booking entitlement of any person(s) where their booking has had an associated person use aggressive or threatening behaviour towards a member of the public or resulted in damage to the court area.
  • All bookings are non-transferrable and must not be passed to friends or third parties for use. Any instances of unauthorised usage or subletting will result in associated details being deleted and blocked from use.
  • Swapping courts is not permitted. Any rules broken on a court are the responsibility of the person with the booking, and action will be applied regardless.
  • Courts can not be booked for their coaching activity. Coaching is only permitted by appointed contractors and not arranged independently. Repeat incidents will end up with your booking entitlement blocked for 6 months. See our Tennis Coaching page
  • If you are unable to attend your booking then it must be cancelled at least 4 hours ahead of the booking time in order to receive a refund. Requests outside of this are discretionary and will only be credited. See cancellations policy.
  • The Council accepts no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, property or injury, illness or death on its facilities unless caused by its own negligence.
  • Our total liability to you is limited to the fees you have actually paid for the relevant booking and we shall not be liable for any loss of enjoyment or wasted expenditure.
  • Personal arrangements including travel, accommodation or hospitality relating to the booking which have been arranged by you are at your own risk.
  • The hirer shall not grant sound, television broadcasting or filming rights without prior conditional consent from the Council.
  • Hirers agree to abide by the Southwark Parks Byelaws Rules and Regulations Southwark Council and any relevant acts of parliament/applicable legislation.
  • The Council cannot be held responsible if you do not receive booking information, unless such non-receipt is caused by our negligence.
  • These terms and conditions are a contract between you and us. No other person shall have any right to enforce any of the terms.
  • We may revise our terms and conditions from time to time, and it is the responsibility of the booker to ensure they are familiar with the most up to date terms.
  • We reserve the right to request that any person leaves a  booking (if that person’s conduct is unacceptable). No refund of fees or any other costs will be made in these circumstances.
  • It is the bookers responsibility to ensure that their associated participants are aware of the rules as they are responsible for the court session. Bookers and their associates are required to:
    • Be aware of these court terms of use
    • Be respectful to other court users whilst playing, this includes the level of noise to be considerate of other park users or local residents
    • Adhere to the start and finish time regardless
    • Ensure that any entrance is not obstructed with any items
    • Smoking, flammable materials and naked flames are prohibited
    • Arrange supervision of children’s play
    • Cooperate with instructions as directed by council staff or nominated representatives.
    • No animals (other than assistance dogs) will be permitted on court
    • No bikes or scooters are permitted on court
    • Put litter in waste bins or remove from site completely if unavailable
    • No trespassing onto private adjoining property to retrieve balls or any other reason
    • No public address or amplifier equipment is to be used unless prior written consent is granted by the council.


These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Disputes arising here from shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and your use of the site confirms your agreement to this jurisdiction. Any cause of action you may have with respect to your use of this site must be commenced within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises.

If any of these Terms of Use is determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the law of any state or country in which these Terms of Use are intended to be effective, then to the extent to which that Term or Condition is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from that clause and the remaining Terms of Use shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.

If you would like to raise a safeguarding concern please use the following:

1) Regarding a Child - Contact Southwark Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
020 7525 1921
020 7525 5000 (out of hours)

2) Regarding an Adult
If you are concerned about an adult who is a victim of abuse or if you think someone maybe abusing another person, contact one of the following:

• Older people and adults with a physical disability or impairment (if aged over 65):  020 7525 3324
• Adults with a mental illness or impairment (aged 18-65): 
020 7525 0088
• Adults with a learning disability or autism: 020 7525 2333

Southwark Council Physical Activity Team Policy documents are below:
Full Safeguarding Policy 
Equality and Diversity information 

For more information 👉👉  click here 

Code of Conduct

For more information 👉👉  click here

If you want your user account to be removed from the Clubspark website/app contact the administrator by email on


Southwark council uses your personal data to process your request to book a sports court. We are required to process your data to enter into a contract with you. We do not need your permission to process your data.

Your personal information will only be used by the council’s Parks and Natural Environment’s team. Your data will be destroyed 3 years after processing has ended.

If you are concerned about how the council is using your data, please contact our Data Protection Oficer via dpo@southwark. or on 020 7525 5000. More information about your rights is available on our website, or via the Information Commissioner (