
New Courts - Important Information

We are pleased to let you know that Courts 1 and 2 will be back in use from tomorrow Friday 17th May.  There are however some rules which all members must adhere to. 

The court surface will require time to cure during the first few months so extra vigilance is necessary by players:

- The surface will become soft  during hot weather in the first year of play.

- If black marks/balck specs appear on the court surface STOP PLAY IMMEDIATELY. The court should be allowed to cool or hosed down with water.

- Training/running shoes and other shoes with ridges, bars, studs and/or sharp edges on the soles should not be used.  Black soles should also not be used.

- In the event of snow/ice do not use a shovel,  scraper, salt or de-icing chemical - only use a soft broom.

All of the above will invalidate our warranty.

Please report any issues to  a member of the Committee ASAP.