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Adult Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Adult Membership of the club.
Eligibility: Adults who are fairly experienced players with technical and tactical knowledge and a full understanding of the rules of tennis. There are alternative memberships to suit beginners/returners.
Adult Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Full Adult Membership of the club on a monthly rolling basis.
Eligibility: Adults who are fairly experienced players with technical and tactical knowledge and a full understanding of the rules of tennis. There are alternative memberships to suit beginners/returners.
Couple's Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
This full membership would suit a couple who are both at a proficient playing standard. Individual memberships may be more suitable if one member of the couple is a beginner/returner to tennis.
Eligibility: Adult couples.
Couple's Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Full monthly rolling membership to suit a couple who are both at a proficient playing standard. Individual memberships may be more suitable if one member of the couple is a beginner/returner to tennis.
Eligibility: Adult couples.
Up to 2 members
Family (1) Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
This membership is for a family group comprising one adult plus 2 or more children.
Eligibility: Children under the age of 18 on 1st April 2025.
Family (1) Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Rolling monthly membership for a family group comprising one adult plus 2 or more children.
Eligibility: Children under the age of 18 on 1st April 2024.
Family (2) Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
This membership is for a family group comprising two adults plus 2 or more children.
Eligibility: Children under the age of 18 on 1st April 2025.
Family (2) Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Rolling monthly membership for a family group comprising two adults plus 2 or more children.
Eligibility: Children under the age of 18 on 1st April 2024.
Junior Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Membership for Juniors aged 10 - 18. For safeguarding reasons, a junior member must have an adult set as their parent or guardian. This adult will be the email contact for Club communications.
Eligibility: Date of birth must be between 1st January 2007 and 31 December 2014.
Junior Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Rolling monthly membership for Juniors aged 10 - 18. For safeguarding reasons, a junior member must have an adult set as their parent or guardian. This adult will be the email contact for Club communications.
Eligibility: Date of birth must be between 1st January 2007 and 31 December 2014.
Mini Annual Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Membership for children aged 5 - 10. For safeguarding reasons, a mini member must have an adult set as their parent or guardian. This adult will be the email contact for Club communications.
Eligibility: Date of birth on or after 1st January 2015.
Mini Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Rolling monthly membership for children aged 5 - 10. For safeguarding reasons, a mini member must have an adult set as their parent or guardian. This adult will be the email contact for Club communications.
Eligibility: Date of birth on or after 1st January 2015.
Playing Parent Membership 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
This membership is for a parent/guardian playing tennis with under 18 year olds (who are members of the club), but who do not want to be full playing members of the club themselves.
Eligibility: Parents or guardians of Junior or Mini members.
Playing Parent Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Monthly rolling membership for a parent/guardian playing tennis with under 18 year olds (who are members of the club), but who do not want to be full playing members of the club themselves.
Eligibility: Parents or guardians of Junior or Mini members.
Young Adult (18-30) Annual Membership - 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full Adult Membership at reduced cost for those aged 18-30 years
Eligibility: Age 18-30 on 1st April 2025.
Young Adult (18-30) Monthly Membership
Monthly membership
Full Adult Membership at reduced cost for those aged 18-30 years on a monthly rolling basis.
Eligibility: Age 18-30 years at 1st April 2025. Eligibility ceases from the month following the month of the member’s 31st birthday.