
Club News


West Somerset League tennis is back

Wivey’s first match in the league kicks off on Tuesday 10th May with the B team playing home against Heymock A, Wivey will be represented by Phil Cookson, David Face, Rachael Sharland and Rebecca Langdon.


The following night the A team starts their season home against Taunton Vale A. Paul Calon, Shaun Mears, Emma Quick and Maggie Andrews will be representing the home team. 


On the same night as the A team our final team in the league will be making a drive to Heymock to play against their B team. The C team players for this fixture are Rainer Schiedel, Jeremy Birchall, Claire Fisher and Amy Greenway.


All matches start at 1830 and will be played until all matches are complete. Anyone wishing to support the teams are welcome to come along and watch.