GDPR Guidelines

To receive emails from Corbridge Tennis Club, members will need to 'opt-in' to the emailing list. If members choose to do nothing, from 25th May they will automatically be removed from the emailing list. 

Follow these steps to opt-in:

- Go to our website (

- Log into your account (top right hand corner of screen in grey banner). If you have forgotten your login details, please follow the links there to reset them.

- Click on your name (top right hand corner) and a dropdown box will appear. Click 'Profile'.

- Within the grey coloured central banner is a white coloured 'Edit Profile' button. Click 'Edit Profile'.

- A summary of your details will be displayed. Click the tab titled 'Your privacy and consents'.

- Click the grey square tick boxes you consent to. They will turn blue once clicked. 

- Click the 'Update Preferences' button.

- Finished! Log-out of your profile (top right hand corner) if you wish. 

A detailed step by step guide can be found at (opens new window).

Member's details are kept private and stored in ClubSpark's online database. Paper copies of membership forms are destroyed once the data has been uploaded to ClubSpark. Only Corbridge Tennis Club's ClubSpark Administrators have access to this data.