Park Tennis Coaching

Elmbridge Park Tennis offers of a variety of ways to learn or improve your tennis play with fully qualified, LTA accredited tennis coaches. 

Coaching programmes are available at; ChurchfieldsCobham, Coronation, Cricket WayEsher Civic CentreLong Ditton, Giggs Hill and Oatlands recreation grounds. To view the coaching programmes on offer at these venues please click on the Park Tennis venue below or contact the coaches directly through their click to email links. Listed below the contact details are free community groups, which are on offer.


Authorised Park Tennis Providers

Take Tennis Lessons Surrey Tennis Coaching Set Point Tennis
Duncan Willitts James Starr Cathy Birt
Coronation Churchfields Long Ditton
  Oatlands Giggs Hill
  Esher Civic Centre  
Click to email Click to email Click to email



Free Community Tennis Groups [advanced booking is required]

Churchfields: Intro to tennis | Mondays 11am - 12nnon | Email to book, click here

Coronation: Cardio Tennis | Wednesdays | 9:30am - 10:30am | Book Online, click here

Giggs HillAdult Intermediate mix in | Fridays 1pm - 2pm | Text Cathy to book 07973 915007*


*Bookings must be made by the Monday of the same week and a confirmation text will be sent.



Coaching Package + General Hire Pass

If you are interested in offering your coaching services on any of our other Park Tennis sites, please read the information on the Coaching Package page, details on how to apply are also included.


If you are interested in hiring the Park Tennis courts for non-tennis activities please see the information and application process for the General Hire Pass.


The Park Tennis Pass, Play Tennis Pass and Pay & Play option are not for the delivery or receipt of tennis coaching or non-tennis play activities.