Fees quoted are for one year from April 1st and discounts only apply to those paying by the end of April. League players are asked to pay by this date to ensure they are eligible to play in the league teams. Full adult member fee includes floodlight usage.
Full Adult Member fee if paid before 30th April: £110 ( after 30th April £120)
Midweek Adult Member:( no floodlights)£56
Students: (16 to18 years or in full time education) £30
Juniors: (under 16) £15
Coaching Member: £30
Discounts: Where more than one person from the same household joins a £5 discount can be made for each additional member as long as the first member is a full adult paying the full yearly fee.
Midweek Adults: Use of courts is limited to Mon to Fri 8am to 4pm. Can attend club squad coaching sessions at standard rate.
Coaching Members: Can attend club squad coaching sessions at standard rate.
Part Year Fees thru to 31 Mar:
Adult :£15 per month
Midweek Adult :£5 per month
Students: £5 per month
Coaching and Juniors: Half annual fee after 1st Oct
Non-members may attend three clubnights or squad coaching sessions, after which they are expected to join the club.
We look forward to seeing you on court soon !
Full Adult 2024-2025
01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025
Full Adult Membership