
AGM Minutes




8 APRIL 2019

Taken and compiled by Alan Young, Secretary

Those Present: Angela Webb, Alan Young, Nick Dyer, Laura Galpin, Pete Murray, Carmel Eastaugh, Vanessa Skilling, Charmaine Vincent, Julie Elliott, Phil Grey, Matt Burfield, Caroline Williams, Bianca Schulze, Matthew Turner

Apologies: Helen Townson

Chairman’s Report

  1. Angela thanked the Committee for their work over the last year and in particular the work carried out by the Secretary Alan Young and Treasurer Nick Dyer.
  2. Once again issues regarding club membership was noted – we should try and encourage all members to recruit new players and also to update the Facebook page.

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Nick presented accounts for the year on an account spreadsheet, and this showed that the surplus from the year had risen from (withheld) in 2017/18 to a total of (withheld) in 2018/19.   Subscriptions had slightly risen this year;  coaching fees were down for the year but do not include the recent Easter tournament, which should bring up the level of income from the coaching fees similar to that of last year, in the region of £1,000.00.
  2. It was noted that Carmel has still not submitted an account for last year for consumables for the kitchen – Carmel agreed to present this to Nick for settlement.
  3. Nick also confirmed that the website is now up and running.  Members wishing to access the website should click on the link of    Nick is trying to arrange access to the website based on Martock Tennis Club rather than the full Clubspark address.
  4. Thanks were given to Helen Townson for her work in connection with the Safeguarding policy.

Secretary’s Report

  1. No club members have come forward to take on the role of Facilities Manager.  This obviously means that if there are any items of repair or maintenance needed, these will fall by the wayside.   This is a position which does need to be filled – members are urged to come forward to volunteer for the role.
  2. Three items of business for discussion were raised before the meeting: 

Over 65s membership – Helen Townson requested discussion on a subsidy for the over 65s.   This was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that the fees should remain at their present level, with no discount offer.   

Part membership – the current situation with regard to members joining partway through a season offers a rate of £10/month, which effectively offers no incentive for joining on a full annual basis.   It was therefore unanimously agreed that where members wish to pay and play for part of the year, the rates should be increased to £15/month;  where members wish to join annually but partway through a year, the rate of £10/month will apply.     Therefore, to be clear on this point, if members wish to join for three or four months over the summer in order to play summer league, then they would need to pay £15/month.

Toilet – Helen Townson has set up a sub-committee to look at the possibility of raising funds for a new w.c. at the Clubhouse.   The sub-committee has been formed with Helen Townson, Tim Rogers and Vanessa Skilling.

Election of Officers

  1. There were no new nominations for Committee positions, and therefore the following members were elected to office for the coming year:

Angela Webb – Chairman

Alan Young – Secretary

Nick Dyer – Treasurer/webmaster

Helen Townson – safeguarding/child protection

Carmel Eastaugh – Committee member

Vacant position – grounds and Club maintenance officer

Any Other Business

  1. Carmel agreed to organise a clean-up of the Clubhouse prior to the summer league.
  2. Laura Galpin agreed to purchase replacement crockery and kitchenware from IKEA.
  3. Matt Burfield, the outgoing Facilities Manager, agreed to speak to Mike White to try and arrange for the testing of courts 3 and 4 using an anti-slip paint, to see whether this made any difference during wet weather conditions.   Matt to organise.

Wimbledon Draw

  1. The Wimbledon draw took place and the following members received allocations of tickets:
  1.              Carmel Eastaugh – Centre Court, Sunday 14 July
  2.              John Rens – No. 1 Court, Friday 5 July
  3.              Vanessa Skilling – Centre Court, Tuesday 2 July
  4.              Julian Zagni – No. 2 Court, Wednesday 3 July
  5.              Helen Townson – No. 1 Court, Thursday 11 July

Members will be notified by e-mail direct from the LTA.