

Thank you for visiting our website.  You should be able to find all information needed here and this is the quickest way for you to find out about our club. If you have any unanswered questions please email us at wellingtontcenquiries@yahoo.com and we will try to reply as soon as possible.

Membership :

you can join using this site and payment is by BACS.

If you are a beginner, please arrange to join in with a Cardio or Improvers session or arrange 1:1 lessons with our coach as this will build your skills and confidence. 

Coaching enquiries:

 Call Dan Sizer on 07951828760

General Enquires contact us at wellingtontcenquiries@yahoo.com



We are situated in The Playing Field alongside the cricket and football Clubs.


By car:

Park in the free car park in Courtland Road.  Walk to the rear of the car park and you enter the field.  Pass the pavillion on the right hand side and the 3 courts are situated at the far right of the field.

Alternatively park in the pay and display North Street car park. Walk through a lane between the public toiletsand the football club. The courts are situated on the opposite side of the field. 

By foot: 

Walk up Court Drive which is opposite the Wellesley cinema. Walk through the small residents' car park and the courts are right there. (PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THIS CAR PARK - RESIDENTS ONLY!)


Many thanks.