How to find us
Wellington Tennis Club
The Playing Field
TA21 8NE
We are an enthusiastic, family-friendly club offering a variety of daytime and evening sessions along with 4 hours of junior coaching, on Saturdays. We have many committed adults who enjoy both social and competitive tennis and we will field 3 teams in the West Somerset League in 2024. We also host LTA sanctioned junior tournaments and encourage our junors to participate in these.
General Enquires contact us at
We especially welcome new members, who are returning to tennis, and have some sessions suitable for beginners. Our coach, offers lessons for beginners, intermediate or advanced players. Pay and play guests can access the courts, as well:
Book a Court up to 7 days in advance for non-members (Courts 2 and 3) or up to 14 days in advance for members (Courts 1,2 and 3).
There are also a range of Membership options to suit everyone's tennis preferences.
We are an LTA registered club and were delighted to be awarded Somerset Club of the Year in February 2023.
You can find us in the Wellington Playing Fields, surrounded by trees and have 3 floodlit courts, a clubhouse and use of toilets in the pavilion nearby.
Club Evening Sessions:
Mondays and Thursdays from 6pm onwards (Members only, no charge)
- Taster sessions are available for non- members who can play to a relatively good standard and can serve and rally consistently
- Beginners & Intermediate supervised session on Wednesday evenings 6:30 pm. Non- members welcome £7. Members- no charge.
- Beginners can also attend Cardio tennis sessions.
- If you're looking for a beginners course, then contact Blackbrook Tennis Centre, Taunton.
Club Morning Sessions: (suitable for improvers & advanced)
Ladies Mornings - every Tuesday 10am - 12 noon
Mixed Mornings - every Friday 10am - 12 noon
- Pay and Play available for £7 per session, no charge for members
Cardio Tennis (suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced)
Combining tennis and cardiovascular exercise to music - a great workout
Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm and Wednesday mornings 9am-10am
- Due to popularity, booking is required, £5 full members, £6 parent and child members and £7 for non-members. Pleae ask to added to the Cardio WhatsApp group.
Provided by LTA Level 4 accredited Head Coach, Dan Sizer. Individual and group coaching available: Coaching Information
Monthly Thursday Coaching Clinics - 7-8pm (suitable for beginners and intermediate)
- £5 for members, £6 Parent and Child Members, £7 non-members
Junior Coaching - Saturday mornings. 9 am - red abll. 10 am - Orange ball. 11 am - Green ball. 11 am - Teenagers
NEW for 2024 - Tuesday Junior Coaching sessions. From 4 pm - 6 pm.
Social Play outside of Club Sessions
Members use WhatsApp to arrange extra sessions.
We host an annual 'Wimbledon' tournament and we have hosted 'Adult/Junior' tournaments.
We also arrange friendly matches against other local Clubs.
Our Club Policies and Safeguarding Policy can be found using this link and our Welfare officer is Sue Rackley, who can be contacted on 07795221159 or the LTA on 020 84877000 or the NSPCC on 0800 800 500
Long-standing member, Philippa, celebrates her birthday.
3 months ago
WELLINGTON A team gains promotion to Division 1 of WS TL
5 months ago
End of WSTL 2024
6 months ago
Find out about the fantastic benefits of becoming a member of Wellington Tennis Club!