There are a range of benefits to becoming a member of the club. These include online booking, receiving gate codes to access all courts and being able to book courts up to 2 weeks in advance plus free use of floodlights and you can also come along to club sessions for free, see the booking page for details. Furthermore you will be eligible to play in our league teams and club competitions.
We believe we have a membership to suit everyone and by continuing to scroll down you will see the different options that are available to you.
Adult 2024/2025
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Adult memberships include free booking of all courts up to 2 weeks in advance, free club morning and evening sessions, including free floodlights. Plus discounts at Cardio tennis and Improvers coaching.
Eligibility: This package is available to purchase for anyone who is 18 years and over.
Family Membership 2024/2025
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Family Membership - an excellent offer, 2 adults and up to 3 children , includes free booking of all tennis courts for up to 2 weeks in advance and free adult morning and evening club sessions plus the opportunity to play in club teams.
Junior 2024/2025
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
16 yrs and under, includes discounted coaching, club tournaments, plus free court booking on all courts for those aged 13 and over to play with other members. Parent and Child option also available.
Eligibility: This membership package is available to all players 16 years and under.
Parent and Child 2024/2025
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
The Parent and Junior membership allows you to book a court with the sole purpose of playing tennis with your child. No other adult membership benefits apply.
Student Membership (16 years + and in FT) 2024
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
A fantastic affordable membership whether you are studying nearer home or away at University and only able to play during your holidays.
Eligibility: Need to be 16 years or over and be in Full Time Education