Team Tennis

Chippenham & District Tennis League

The club enters a number of men's, ladies and mixed double teams that play in the Chippenham & District Tennis League (, open to adult club members.

The league season runs from the end of April to early August, and teams play 12 - 14 matches depending on the number of teams competing.  Matches are played both home and away (so some travel may be required) and are mainly played on weekday evenings starting at around 6.30pm.  Depending on where and when the match finishes, refreshments are generally provided by the host team, which is a great opportunity to socilaise and learn more about the visiting or host players/club.

Teams consist of 4 players (2 pairs), and each pair plays 2 sets against each opposing pair, making a match of 8 sets.  One point is awarded for each set won.

If you are interested in playing in one or more of the teams, why not come along a team practice session on the 1st Sunday of every month, starting at 3pm for Ladies, 5pm for Mixed and 6pm for Men.