Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I haven't played for years or I'd like to start playing - can I join?
Yes - we have coaching sessions on Thursday mornings for beginners/improvers (See Coaching/Sessions page) and there is a reduced Membership Fee of only £30 for daytime members.
Q. When can we play?
An Open Club Session Tuesday evening from 6:00pm all year. Club sessions are open to full adult members, juniors by invitation, those paying winter membership, not daytime members. Outside these times courts can be booked by members using the court booking system (see Booking page). Courts are usually available during daytime, both summer and winter, but check with booking system before playing.
In addition to the above Club open session, on Friday afternoons there is an organised group tennis from 2pm. Members wishing to play on Fridays for the first time should initially contact Peter Moreton (01524 762043).
Sign up by the Wednesday evening prior to the Friday you intend to play. (Don't forget to save your selections) If you decide you would like to play after Wednesday or if you have signed up and find after Wednesday you cannot play, please contact Peter Moreton - 01524 762043
Q. What happens if I join part way through the year?
Adult members can take out winter membership which covers the period September to March, after which they will be invited to take out full membership when membership renewal comes up in April.
Q. How do we book courts?
A. Courts may be booked using a simple on-line system, see Court Booking. Booking is always recommended due to coaching sessions, matches, match play days and social use by Club Members. If you cannot use the court at the time you have booked, please cancel the booking to allow other members to take the slot.
Q. How do we get tokens for the floodlights?
A. Tokens are available at Club sessions from:
Margaret Hesmondhalgh 015395 63342
Q. How do we get Wimbledon tickets?
A. Allocation of Wimbledon tickets is based on the number of Club Members who have signed up to British Tennis and registered their interest by February each year. Without membership and registering interest in Wimbledon tickets on the British Tennis website you will not be eligible for the draw for tickets and will not be able to purchase them from other Members. See Club Events page.
Q. Who do we contact with a query or complaint?
A. Queries can be dealt with by any committee member Complaints should be put in writing to the Secretary and will be dealt with by the committee at their next meeting.
Q. How do we get access to the Clubhouse?
A. Access is for seniors only. Juniors may use the Clubhouse but must be accompanied by an adult. Keys can be purchased (£4) from the Membership Secretary when applying for new membership or after joining.
Q. Where are we allowed to park?
A. All members and parents are requested to park in the School car park a few yards from the courts on the opposite side of the road. Please restrict parking on the road to pick-ups and drop-offs. There is no parking on the School premises by the Clubhouse or Sports Hall.