
President's Tournament

Much better weather than for last year's tournament and a good turnout of both players and spectators.

We had some fun tennis followed by an excellent meal.  The decision had been made not to have a BBQ outside due to the drought conditions but the cold meat, quiche and cheese with salads were a delicious substitute - and much less work!!  Yummy cakes and plums for pudding too.

The winner of the Ladies was Julia Millar with Jill Taylor in second and the winning man was Russ Grundy with Mark Rigby finishing second.  Our new President, Sandra Orford, handed out the prizes she had kindly donated to the winners.  Mark then passed his prize on to Sarah Hardingham for "the shot of the day"!  Sarah was naturally thrilled at winning a prize for tennis!!

A happy, social occasion, with thanks to all who came on the day/provided the food/did the washing up/swept the courts.