Club News Section


Updated Club advice for play at Denes Oval

Having reviewed the Covid risk assessment for the Club, members are reminded of the following points:-

1. When attending the club to play tennis please ensure you complete a pre- attendance symptom check. Do not attend if you have a high temperature, new continuous cough or loss of / change to sense of smell / taste. Please follow the NHS and PHE guidance on self isolation if you demonstrate any of these symptoms.

2. If you have played at the club and and then develop symptoms of Covid -19 please follow the  NHS Test and trace guidelines. The club will keep a record of those who have been onsite for 21 days , it is very important  that members record the names of all people playing when courts are booked on Clubspark.Coaches please keep your own group records.

3. At the club, adhere to social distancing ,no high fives or handshakes.Please follow the public health guidance for handwashing, wash your hands with soap / water or use sanitiser before and after play. A supply of soap / sanitiser is available in the clubhouse. Clean your own equipment and do not share items such as water bottles/ towels. 

4. Members are advised to arrive at the Club changed for tennis and do not use the changing room shower under any circumstances.

5. If you have to use the toilet in the clubhouse, please use an antibacterial wipes to clean the flush handle /seat . Gloves are available in the clubhouse for use. Throw the wipe in the bin after use. Please also use antibiactal wipes on any commonly touched areas such as door handles, switches and net winders. 

6. Collect new or marked balls from the Clubhouse for use. Nets are set at the correct hight to avoid unnecessary contact. 

7. Do not sit on any benches inside the court area. Benches have been placed on the upper tier for spectators to view tennis at a social distance. They should then be wiped down after use.

8. A junior coaching group can now have up to 15 plus the coach. Adult groups remain at 6 people including the coach.

9. The club committee continue to review the introduction of clubnights. 

10. Members are requested to maintain social distancing and to avoid congregating before / after tennis or in the Clubhouse. Supporters/spectators are restricted to a discrete six person gathering in a line, outside the court area.

11. Please be aware that the cricket training / matches will soon resume at the oval, take extra care when entering the grounds in a car. Observe social distancing with the extra people at the grounds.

Thank you for your co-operation 
Mandy Driver ( safeguarding / welfare officer)

Full Covid -19 guidelines for tennis players / venues are available on the LTA site to view.