Club News



In response to the further relaxation of Covid-19 precautions announced by the LTA yesterday, club mornings and evenings are back from 20th July 2020. We can also hold tennis events if we can comply with social distancing, hand hygiene, and trace and test requirements, and this can easily be done. Further details can be found on the Governance page, under the Covid tab.

The recent restrictions have provided opportunities for members to play more singles and play with lots of different members. Someone described the 'buzz' at the Club and the court booking records show they are being well-used. Re-introducing Club sessions should further enhance opportunities for social tennis, and practising what we have learned in coaching.

Other goals include:

1. All our new members being supported by more experienced players to come to their first Club sessions
2. Encouraging singles play at Club sessions when there is space and the right numbers, as some players want more singles
3. Providing a Families Club session at weekends so juniors can play with each other
4. Ben Smith introducing 'Tennis Tuesdays' from 18.00 hours until 19.00 hours.

A trial of slight adjustments to the programme will be conducted once Club mornings and evenings resume from Monday 20th July 2020. This is in order not to disrupt bookings already made in the short term, leave space for the new coaching programme being developed, and with full review before October 2020.

Mondays: 08.30 - 11.30 hours on 4 courts
Tuesdays: From 18.30 hours on 3 courts with 5 courts available from 19.00 hours
Wednesdays: 08.30 - 11.30 hours on 4 courts
Thursdays: From 18.30 hours on 4 courts with 5 courts available from 19.00 hours
Sundays: 14.00 - 16.00 hours on 3 courts, for families with children.

Fewer courts will be available in the next couple of weeks so check the bookings via the website.

Trace and test
The LTA requires the Club, if running Club sessions, to keep records of participants for 21 days after each session. Members will need, before playing or within 24 hours of playing, to confirm attendance at open Club sessions by emailing or messaging 07973 725513.

We only need names and members will only receive a response or be contacted afterwards if the Club is notified that a member on site at the same time as  has tested positive for Covid-19. Not providing this information routinely could prevent the Club running Club sessions.

Any comments or questions welcome: