
Suffolk Tennis News



SLTA AGM 12th May 2024  7.30pm via Zoom

To obtain a Zoom Link to the meeting email Secretary@Suffolk

To obtain copies of the AGM Documentation Click the links below


Minutes of the AGM 29th January 2023

Statement of Income & Expenditure y/e 2023

Nomination Form


Suffolk LTA invites members of all Suffolk Tennis Clubs affiliated to the LTA to attend the 102nd AGM which takes place at 7.30pm on Sunday 12th May via Zoom.

Nomination Form

The Nomination Form is for use by your club to make nominations for the Chair Person, Vice Chair Person, Secretary and  Treasurer, who all constitutionally stand down at the AGM but may seek re-election if their venue wishes to further nominate them.

The LTA Councillor Role and County Safeguarding Officer are co-opted positions and as such venues are not required to nominate persons to these positions.

The nomination form must be completed by the Club Secretary or Main Contact and emailed no later than 7 days (5th May 2024) before the date of the AGM.  Applications received after that date will not be accepted.

SLTA would like to take this opportunity to thank all Club Members for all the work they do within their clubs. In what ever way members volunteer, whether it be maintaining club courts, organising club events, captaining a team for example, each and every contribution is vital to ensure that there are opportunies for anyone to pick up a raquet and enjoy our sport. THANK YOU.