Protecting children (everyone under 18 years) and adults at risk of abuse is as important in sport as in every other aspect of society.
If a child or adult at risk of abuse is in immediate danger call 999 and ask for the police If you are worried about the safety of a child or adult at risk of abuse (and even if it is nothing to do with tennis) contact: Suffolk County Council’s Customer First: 0808 800 4005 The organisation with the statutory duty to safeguard children/adults at risk of abuse Children In addition, if you have concerns about an adult working on a paid or voluntary basis with a child, please follow this link for the Arrangements for Managing Allegations of Abuse Against People Who Work With Children. or email the Local Authority Designated Officer: LADO@suffolk.gov.uk or phone 0300 123 2044 Adults at risk of abuse The NSPCC: 0808 805 5000 or help@nspcc.org.uk The leading children’s safeguarding charity in the UK |
How safeguarding works in Suffolk Tennis
Safeguarding is a very high priority for the Lawn Tennis Association: LTA Strategy to 2023. In Suffolk, as in every other part of Great Britain, the LTA uses these structures and processes:
- Most tennis clubs and venues are affiliated to the LTA, and all those organisations are required to have a designated Welfare Officer, trained to fulfil their role. Usually volunteers, and never a coach, the Welfare Officer’s principal responsibility is Safeguarding.
The name and contact details of the Welfare Officer should be found on display at the club/venue and on the club’s website. If you have any difficulty in contacting your Welfare Officer, contact the County Safeguarding Officer.
- Suffolk LTA has a County Safeguarding Officer, whose role is to help promote and embed a safeguarding culture in tennis; and to provide advice and support to Welfare Officers at Suffolk LTA registered venues. In addition, they have specific responsibilities for safeguarding in respect of staff employed/contracted by Suffolk LTA and the services delivered directly by Suffolk LTA.
- The LTA has a national Safeguarding Team supported by a team of regional safeguarding officers that supports all individuals and organisations involved in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in tennis, including Suffolk LTA and its affiliated clubs/venues. This team undertakes safeguarding audits of registered venues/clubs, and will follow up safeguarding concerns reported directly to it. It also provides information; set standards; and provides training: https://www.lta.org.uk/about-us/safeguarding/ Our Regional Safeguarding Officer is Melissa Miller.
Suffolk’s County Safeguarding Officer
County Safeguarding Officer. Safeguarding@SuffolkLTA.uk
County Safeguarding Officer Role
All LTA registered clubs/venues are required to have a suite of safeguarding policies. At least their main Safeguarding Policy should be on display at the venue, and all their policies should be on the club’s website.
Suffolk LTA has a corresponding set of safeguarding policies that apply to tennis activities/events for which it has direct responsibility, including County training and County players at tournaments where they represent Suffolk:
Code of Conduct for Players, Parents and Coaches (LTA April 2022 Code adopted 12.6.22)
Filming, Recording & Publishing Policy
Online Safety and Communications Policy
Safeguarding Guidelines for County Cup
For parents: https://thecpsu.org.uk/parents/keeping-your-child-safe-in-sport/
For Club Committees: link
For Coaches: https://www.safetoplaytennis.co.uk/