
Coronavirus Update and Advice

Dear Club Main Contact, Head Coach, Match Secretary,

Please find attached a link to the latest LTA Coronavirus Advice from the LTA published last night following the Government’s latest announcements.


As a result, Tennis Leicestershire is suspending all county activities including County Training and County Leagues until 20th April. The LTA will be updating their advice regularly, so you are advised to check the website regularly.

The only outdoor league running currently is the Over 60s League and any matches should be postponed for now awaiting further updates. The Indoor Winter League will be cancelled from Sunday 22nd March and will not complete this season (the option to complete in the Autumn will remain open)


The Match Secretaries meeting on the 25th March has been cancelled and match dates/arrangements are being made by email etc. Further information about the Summer Leagues and National Leagues will be circulated following the updated instructions from the LTA and government.

Other Club Activities

The advice from the LTA does not include any specific advice around individual Club activities or for Club coaches and we know this is a very difficult time for everyone trying to interpret the government and LTA advice.

While the LTA has suspended its organised activity, the Government have currently indicated that recreational exercise that takes place at a safe distance from others and in safe exercise environments is something that can continue during this period.

Guidance with regard to advised social distancing measures (defined by Public Health England as spending more than 15 minutes and within a 2-metre distance talking to someone) is provided on the Government website:

As a county we do not have any further specific advice for Clubs and Coaches, but we would ask everyone to make decisions with the Government’s advice in mind which is what the LTA advice clearly points to.

The Government advice is not mandatory so the general public are asked to adhere to it voluntarily so all club should allow any coaches/parents or players to act on this advice as they see fit.

As a county we would therefore suggest that for now, pending further updates and based on the government’s latest advice

Anyone displaying symptons should not coach or play and should be self-isolating  for 14 days and not coming to any club.

Any coaches who fall into the vulnerable groups below should not be coaching for their own protection.

Any players who fall into these groups should not be participating in coaching sessions or going to the clubs again for their own protection.

People in these vulnerable Groups should significantly limit their face-to-face interaction with friends and family as well if possible.

This advice is likely to be in place for some weeks.

Vulnerable Groups

  • are 70 or over
  • have a long-term condition
  • are pregnant
  • have a weakened immune system


 Further info on these groups can be found at


As far as other activities  the advice is to avoid unnecessary social interaction to stop the spread of the virus


  • “avoid social activities, such as going to pubs, restaurants, theatres and cinemas
  • avoid events with large groups of people”


 All our clubs are very different, and it is up to individual clubs to decide how best to implement the government guidelines in their particular environment, but it would be sensible, where appropriate to

  • Cancel/postpone social events
  • Close bars/catering if you have them to discourage social gatherings
  • Limit the use of the clubhouses whilst maintaining access to toilets and handwashing facilities

Coaching Programmes

Again, clubs are all very different and there has not been specific advice regarding coaching in clubs. Until such time as there is further advice from the LTA each club should look at their coaching programme in light of the government advice to avoid large groups, particularly in age groups where parents/grandparents may be congregating off court/in the clubhouse. Whilst schools are still open junior groups/ and 1-1 coaching may be appropriate with an emphasis on maitianing asocial distance of 2/3metres. Adult coaching may also be appropriate again depending on numbers.

 We would suggest that clubs could be informing members that the individual use of courts for exercise by players would be appropriate. But that vulnerable groups (listed above) should refrain from this.

At all times players should be reminded

  1. To wash hands after playing tennis
  2. no handshakes/ hugs/ high 5’s,
  3. to maintain personal distance at all times (2-3 metres is recommended)


These are very difficult and unprecedented times and many of our coaches are facing potential financial hardship, however the health of everyone in our tennis community and beyond should be our primary consideration at all times.


Please check regularly on the LTA website for updates.