Welcome to Kegworth Tennis Club

Kegworth Tennis Club

Kegworth Tennis Club is situated in the village of Kegworth on the King George V Playing Fields.  The Tennis Club, welcomes players of all standards and has an active social calendar. Facilities comprise three hard courts, two of which are floodlit, providing year-round play.   Social tennis opportunities for seniors are Tuesday evening,  and Monday,  Wednesday and Friday mornings  and junior club night is Monday evening.   For match tennis the club has two men’s teams , one ladies’ team and one mixed team entered into the Leicestershire summer leagues and one men’s team and one ladies’ team in the Leicestershire winter leagues. The club has licensed LTA Tennis Coaches offering mini tennis, junior tennis and adult coaching. The clubs coaching programme can be found on the coaching page.   For members who wish to play competitive tennis the club runs in-house tournaments from July to September. 

For membership contact Alison Sewell, Membership Secretary, Plum Cottage, 1 Plummer Lane, Kegworth, DERBY, DE74 2DB. Tel 01509672157 and 07941567799.  Email: alisonsewell199@gmail.com



Latest news

Finals Day Sep 15. The programme is: 2pm Ladies’ Singles and Men’s singles.  Mixed doubles at 3.30pm approx..

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The application form  for 2024/25 can be veiwed HERE. .  Complete the form and send it to Alison Sewell, Membership Secretary, Plum Cottage, 1 Plummer Lane, Kegworth, DERBY, DE74 2DB. Tel 01509672157 and 07941567799.  Email: alisonsewell199@gmail.com

Annual membership packages for 2024/25 are available for seniors (18 and over), students, senior citizens (65 and over), families and juniors U7, U12 and U18. . Payment can be with a  cheques payable to ‘Kegworth Tennis Club’ Or via BACS transfer to sort code: 60-14-10 account 50419412 - please quote surname as reference. 

How to find us

Kegworth Tennis Club
King George V Playing Fields,
Nottingham Rd
DE74 2FH

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