Welfare Officer

Sue Rackley

As Welfare Officer, my aim is to be able to support everyone to feel part of a happy, inclusive and safe tennis club. Our Coach, Dan Sizer, is an accredited LTA coach which means he has all the necessary DBS checks and we are an LTA accredited club.As a primary school teacher I work in an environment in which Safeguarding is of paramount importance to keep everyone safe. I am at most Club sessions and do attend Saturday Junior coaching sessions most weeks for the first part of the morning.  Please feel happy to talk to me about any concerns you may have witnessed or experienced or contact me by phone or email.

If you would prefer not to, please contact the LTA or NSPCC whose contact details are below.

Telephone: 07795221159 

Email: wellingtontennisclub25@gmail.com  

LTA Services Team 020 8487 7000

Email: safeand inclusive@lta.org.uk

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

Note: You should inform the parent/carer of the concern, unless you belive it would put the child/adult at risk, yourself or others at risk.

There is an LTA online concern form which can be found at: Report a Concern