
Becky Carr, LTA Qualified & Accredited Coach

Details of coaching at Eden Lawn with our brilliant LTA qualified coach Becky Carr:

Adult Coaching:

Cardio Tennis – Wednesday 6-7pm  Pay & Play Members £5, Non Members £6

Junior Coaching:  

Join our brilliant junior coaching sessions in spring and summer 2024 from April 17th Onwards

  • Mini Red/Orange (4-9 years) - Wednesday 4-5pm
  • Mini Green/Full Ball (10 + years) - Wednesday 5-6pm


6 week block booking (17th April - 22nd May, 5th June - 10th July) - £30 for Members, £36 for Non-Members per block.

Private lessons by arrangement with Becky.

All sessions are delivered by LTA qualified and accredited coaches.

For Further Information Please Contact:

Becky on 07736350862 


Chatsworth Tennis Club is offering May Half Term coaching: 

May Half Term Camps for ages 7-15 on Tuesday 28th May; Wednesday 29th May; and Thursday 30th May from 10:00am-3:00pm. The cost for Chatsworth members is £20 per day and for non-members it is £27.50 per day.

The five-hour long camp will include fun friendly tennis drills, skills, games, and fun matches!

To book please follow the links below. 

Tuesday 28th May:

Wednesday 29th May:

Thursday 30th May: