
Website Manager job description

Keswick & Braithwaite Lawn Tennis Club

Job description for committee role – Website Manager


The purpose of this role is to be responsible for overseeing the club website, to ensure it is relevant and up to date


For the majority of the time this will just involve asking members to provide news articles about activities within the club (eg match results, social events) which can be uploaded onto the website. However, from time to time it could involve helping other committee members understand what information relevant to their roles can be obtained from the website and enable them to update elements of the website eg subscription rates, court booking information, etc, as and when required following decisions made by the committee.


  • oversee club website
  • organise club members (eg team captains, social secretary, etc) to produce regular news articles for uploading to website
  • work with other committee members (eg membership secretary, treasurer) to ensure information on website is up to date
  • post news articles on a regular basis to ensure website is current
  • organise archiving of historic information on website
  • browse other tennis club websites (especially in Cumbria) to get ideas for improving our site
  • provide updates and proposals for any changes/ideas for improving the website at committee meetings in writing and circulate in advance so committee members can consider any questions. Take forward the implementation of anything agreed
  • identify and train other members who may be willing to assist in keeping the website up to date


The Club website is currently provided by Clubspark, an LTA backed tool for tennis clubs.

A user manual can be found by searching for ‘Clubspark user manual’ which should lead to ‘Getting started with Clubspark’. This gives a brief overview of each module within Clubspark with links to support guides for each module. Initially, the most useful is ‘Support guide for news’ within section 5.1 which gives instructions for creating/updating news pages.

Help can also be provided by others who have updated the website in the past.