
Mixed Div.2 trophy presentation

Keswick Mixed team - winners of 2nd Division West Cumbria Mixed League 2015   WCTL Mixed Trophy Presentation 2017   

WCTL Mixed Div.2 Trophy Winners 2017   its a hard taking photos and eating the food!

The annual awards ceremony season is upon us again and Keswick Tennis Club was in on the action last Friday night when they held their end of season social and awards evening in The Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Despite it’s ponderous title there’s nothing ponderous or dull about the atmosphere in Keswick’s own Witherspoons’ pub and the social evening was well attended by players of all age groups and went with a decided swing. The food, drink and service afforded by the establishment was agreed by all to be of a high standard which added enormously to our enjoyment of the evening. The high point of the gathering was the presentation by our retiring Chairman Ed Ma of the West Cumbria Tennis League trophy to our mixed doubles first team who were second division champions this year which ensures them a place in the first division next season. Julie Saxton, the mixed team captain, received the trophy from the Chairman in the old courtroom to the appreciative applause and cheers of the membership.