
Outline Plan for Floodlighting Green Courts

Keswick & Braithwaite Lawn Tennis Club

Floodlight Project for Green Courts – Outline Plan


Cost – depends on details of lighting but indicative costs might be as follows:

  • LTA estimated cost to install lighting for a block of 2 courts is £30,000 excluding VAT and excluding site specific issues (eg laying new power supply)
  • Estimated guidelines for charge per hour per court is £5 per hour comprising electricity £1, routine maintenance £2, sinking fund £2


For background information and sample project plans see the following links: – search for floodlight guidance

search for ‘project plan for floodlighting tennis courts’ and see Floodlighting Outdoor Tennis Courts


Main strands

Planning permission. Interested parties:

  • Lake District National Park
  • Allerdale Borough Council
  • Local people / neighbours at Braithwaite

Electrical Supply

  • What supply is currently provided to the pavilion?
  • Is this enough or are new cables required?

Details of lighting

  • Comply with latest LTA requirements / guidelines
  • High level / low level
  • Corner or sidelit
  • LED / Metal Halide / High Pressure Sodium

Suppliers / quotes

  • Investigate suppliers
  • Obtain quotes


  • What funds have we got?
  • Investigate what grants / loans available.  Possible sources are
  1. LTA – currently installation of new floodlights is priority for the LTA quick access loan scheme
  2. Sports England
  3. Allerdale
  4. Local utility companies
  5. Braithwaite Institute
  6. Crowdfunding - membership

Scope of project

  • Depending on outcome of investigation into what power is currently available the project could be extended to include:
  1. pavilion improvements - if so involve Braithwaite Institute, football, cricket
  2. Pathway lighting