
Membership Secretary job description

Keswick & Braithwaite Lawn Tennis Club

Job description for committee role – Membership Secretary


The purpose of this role is to be responsible for managing the club’s membership.


The membership year runs from April to March so the membership renewal process usually starts after the subscription rates for each category of membership is agreed at the AGM which is usually held in February.   

Most of the new memberships and renewals are processed via our Clubspark website.  This means that these members input their information and pay their subscriptions through the website. The website can therefore provide much of the membership and subscription income information required to monitor how the membership progresses throughout the year.

The club receives various queries from prospective members via the Keswick Tennis Club email account.  In the absence of a membership secretary there is no consistency in dealing with these.


  • oversee and manage the club’s membership including being responsible for the annual membership renewal process
  • be the first point of contact for any prospective member queries getting other committee members involved where required
  • work with the treasurer and website manager to ensure the membership information on the website is accurate and up to date eg (1) that all members of families are included when family membership is taken out, (2) that members paying for their children input the child’s name, (3) that information for members who do not join or pay via the website is added to the website
  • work with the website manager and treasurer to ensure that the membership subscription rates are updated following their ratification at the AGM
  • provide regular membership updates (including comparison with previous years where possible) for each committee meeting in writing and circulate in advance so committee members can consider any questions
  • liaise with the website manager to understand the membership information available through Clubspark
  • draft and upload communications regarding membership for the website liaising with the website coordinator where appropriate
  • bring to the attention of the committee any common reasons for members not renewing their subscriptions so actions can be considered