
Keswick & Braithwaite Tennis Club - AGM 2023

A reminder that the tennis club 2023 AGM is at 6pm on Sunday 12 March at the Bowls Club in Fitz Park, Keswick.

All members are welcome and encouraged to come along to hear how the club is doing and what the priorities for the next year will be. 

2022 was a particularly successful year on the courts so this will be another opportunity to celebrate. 

The agenda is as follows:

1. Apologies

2. Minutes of 2022 AGM and matters arising

3. Chairperson’s report (Neil)

4. Treasurer’s report (Julie)

5. Membership Secretary’s report including a) introduction of Winter membership category and b) recommendations for 2023 subscriptions (Janaki)

6. 2022 West Cumbria Tennis League results and proposal for teams to enter for 2023 (Neil)

7. Coaching Report (Gary)

8. Suggested priorities for 2023 based on outcome of 23/1/2023 committee meeting (Rachel)

9. Election of officers

Chair - vacant

Vice Chair - vacant

Secretary - Rachel

Treasurer - vacant

Membership Secretary - Janaki

Social Secretary - vacant

Welfare Officer - Rachel

Braithwaite Institute Rep - John

Coach / LTA Rep - Gary

Team Captains - tbc after agreement on item 5

Website Manager - vacant

10. AoB

The committee looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Sunday.