
May Half-term Tennis Camp

About the Camps

Recommended for ages 5 to 16.

Skill level: Improver, Intermediate, Beginner

Coach: Bobby Brooke

The May half term camp information: Tennis and multi-sport challenges. There will be technical and tactical skills, with a mix of indoor activities. Players will be challenged appropriately, based on age and experience. This camp is for ages 5+ and we strongly advise that children under 7 attend morning sessions only. As afternoons are more tailored to older players. All equipment will be provided, but feel free to bring your own tennis rackets with you. If staying all day, you will be required to bring a packed lunch. There will be short snack breaks during sessions also. Recommended for ages 5 to 16.

A sibling discount of 10.0% is available and will be applied at the next step.

Choose your sessions from the available times below.
Please check that there are enough spaces available before you continue.