January Newsletter


Club Newsletter - January 2019 Issue 1

Intro from the Chairman 
Welcome to the first edition of the new Lutterworth tennis club newsletter. The committee hope that this will provide an outlet for members to be kept up-todate with upcoming events, latest news and results, and any other interesting member news. Therefore we would encourage members to please email charles.turney@hotmail.co.uk with any match reports, events or even team photos which you wish to make the next edition. 

The club AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Wednesday 30th at 7pm. All members are welcome to attend to hear about the latest developments at the club and to share their views. If you would like to get involved more at the club – captain a team, join the committee or organise a social event please let Dave Lowden or a member of the committee know.   

Winter League Success 
The Men’s First team capped a fantastic 2018 by winning Leicestershire’s Division 1 title, after narrowly missing out on the title for the past two seasons. See team photo which appeared in the Harborough Mail above!
There was further success for the Men’s second team led by Jim McIntyre who secured promotion to Division 4 after finishing as runners up in Division 5.  
Not to be outdone, the Ladies 1st team also enjoyed a successful winter finishing second in their division to secure promotion up to Division 2. Special mention to Sallyann Bundock who won 27 out of her 28 sets and Tess Hutchinson who won 20 out of 20! 

 Club Development Plans 
The committee continues to work hard to try to improve the club’s facilities. As mentioned in the past a mini tennis court with a hitting wall is still high on the list of priorities. We would welcome any donations from both individuals or companies. Please contact Dave Lowden if you would like to discuss sponsorship possibilities. 

Court Availability 
Another reminder that you can always check the online booking system to see if courts are available for a game. https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/LutterworthTennisClub/Bo oking/BookByDate.  
Please note that there is no coaching during half term and three courts remain available for all members to use on Sunday afternoons.  

Dates for the Diary: 
AGM – Wed 30th January (7pm Clubhouse)

Wimbledon ticket draw – Fri 19th April

Skittles Evening – April tbc

Club Tournament Finals Day – Sun 15th Sept

Quiz Night – Sat 16th November