QCTC Policies

As a Club we are committed to meeting the LTA’s new standards for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. This means that the club has adopted new policies and procedures for safeguarding, diversity and inclusion, and whistle blowing which you can find below.
In addition to this, Marian Davis is the Club's trained volunteer Welfare Officer, who has key responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults at the club. If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a young person (under 18) at the club, you must take appropriate action to share your concerns. The poster below is also situated in the clubhouse, giving helpful advice and explanation of what to do in the event that you have concerns. If you are in any doubt, contact Marian Davis.
QCTC Membership Terms and Conditions
QCTC Coaching Terms and Conditions
QCTC Social Media Policy 2019 - 2021
QCTC Safeguarding Whistleblowing Policy 2019 - 2021
QCTC Safeguarding Policy 2019 - 2021
QCTC Recording and Publishing Images Policy 2019-2021
QCTC Privacy Policy 2019 - 2021
QCTC Diversity & Inclusion Policy 2019 - 2021