Please chose from the membership packages below

To become a member of the Silloth Tennis Club you need to register for a free LTA membership too as we are an LTA affliated club. If you already have an LTA login you can use this. 

If you are asked to use a clubspark login (possible if you already have one) then make sure you click on the LTA button to the right and use an LTA login.  

If you require any information or help then please contact us at



Silloth TC Adult Membership 2024/5

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Adult membership for 2024/5

Eligibility: Ages 19 and over

Join now

Silloth TC Family Membership 2024/5

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Family membership for 2024/5

Eligibility: Ages 4 and upwards

Join now

Silloth TC Junior Membership 2024/5

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior membership from 1st May 2024 to 30th April 2025

Eligibility: Ages 4 to 18

Join now

Silloth TC Social/Sponsor Membership 2024/5

01/05/2024- 30/04/2025

A membership for non-playing members or those who wish to be sponsors of the club.

Join now