
Court Booking Terms & Conditions of Use

Pay & Play Terms & Conditions are subject to change at any time at the discretion of South Petherton Tennis Club

1. Public use of courts 

  • South Petherton Tennis Club (SPTC) does not accept any liability for non-members being present on the courts 
  • Under-16s must be supervised by at least one adult at all times when using the courts
  • Use of courts is at own cost. SPTC accept no responsibility or liability for injury or loss during use of the courts or other facilities
  • Ensure the gate is closed and the padlock is locked when you leave the courts
  • You must book and pay for a court online at £6/hour before you play via ClubSpark system and cancel any unwanted bookings online. A unique PIN code will be issued for your hour of use
  • You can book one hours worth of court use per day, up to a maximum of 5 bookings per week. Bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance
  • Cancellations made more than 24hr ahead of the booked time will be automatically refunded. Cancellations after this time will be refunded at the discretion of the club, ie in the case of unexpected adverse weather via email below
  • SPTC reserves the right to pre-book the courts for coaching, special events and maintenance at its discretion, even when courts had previously been booked by others
  • If the club needs to cancel a booking, cancellation notice will be sent via email and  every effort will be made to give at least 24hrs notice
  • Floodlights are not available so please ensure you will have enough daylight time

2. Court Rules

  • Maximum 4 players on any one court
  • To adjust the net to the correct height, remove bungee cords, use the wooden measure hung on the clubhouse front and wind net to the height of the measure. Replace measure after use
  • When finished, please lift from the ground and replace the bungee cords
  • Users should comply with the principles of Respect and Fair Play, both on and off the Courts, and adhere to Court Etiquette rules
  • Users should wear appropriate sports clothing and footwear (no marking soles) when on court
  • No music or ball games other than tennis to be played on the courts
  • Smoking, chewing gum and glass containers are not permitted within the court boundaries as they can damage the court surface
  • Close the gate while on the courts and keep personal belongings in a safe area near your court
  • Take off the court everything you take on – including all balls and general litter (bins can be found next to the car park)
  • Users play tennis at their own risk and are asked to apply common sense in looking out for themselves and other users at all times
  • Ensure you close the court gate properly when you leave and re-lock the padlock
  • No person may coach others for financial gain on any court without the prior approval of SPTC
  • Report any damage to the club via the email below

3. Right to Play

  • Please bring your online booking confirmation with you
  • If there are any problems, use contact details below
  • In event of dispute the person whose name appears on the booking sheet will take precedence
  • Members at SPTC reserve the right to ask any person they feel is misusing or behaving in an anti-social manner to leave the tennis courts

4. Contact


Frequently Asked Questions

When are courts open?

The courts are open for public use from 08:00 to dusk, due to the floodlights not being available for public use. Some courts may be booked for coaching, club activity or events, these will be shown on the booking form.


Do I have to be a resident of South Petherton to use the courts or join the club?

No, anyone can book a court using Pay & Play, and anyone can become a member via SPTC website on the How to Join page.

I only want to play once or twice, what can I do?

We offer Pay & Play tennis charged at £6.00 per hour per court. Simply register, book and pay for your court hour and enter the access code detailed on your confirmation email at the gate.

Is coaching available?

Yes, coaching  is available, see SPTC website for contact details.

Can I hire equipment?

Unfortunately we do not offer that facility at this current time. 

How do I cancel a booking?

You can cancel your booking online. Out of courtesy please cancel as soon as you can to free up the courts for others to play.

If I see damage to the courts or anti-social behaviour who should I tell?

If you notice the courts are damaged or unsafe please contact us on

If you witness anti-social behaviour on courts from users that is not in keeping with those set out in the terms and conditions, please also report to so this can be addressed and appropriate action taken.

If you see an urgent problem with anti-social behaviour that requires immediate attention then please call 101 or in an emergency situation please call 999.