Club News



A busy weekend at the Club. On Saturday, whilst not everyone ran 16.5 km to Saturday's AGM like Jamie, he and the rest of the newly elected Committee are pleased to serve you this year. Welcome:

Sue Yeates as Secretary

Robert Brown as Treasurer

Beth Hamilton as Welfare Officer

Agnieszka Wilk as Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Kevin Vincent as Competition Secretary

Max Rooke as Communications Officer

Jamie Collier as a General Committee Member

Simone Beadle as a General Committee Member

Margaret Brown as a General Committee Member

Ben Smith ex officio

and Sally Gooch as your Chair.

Thanks to Sarah Legg, Fiona Tricker and Theo Ellis for their sterling service - and their continuing commitment to the Club.

On Sunday, the Club hosted the latest round in the National League (County D1) against Framlingham College and won 5:1. Well done Harper, Ben, Joe and Charlie! Thanks too go to Mia, Victoria, Rebecca, Debs and Chantelle for providing refreshments; and to Steve for the photography.