Somerset Coaches Area

This area is designed to give our Somerset based coaches information and support enabling them to grown and share best practice.

Marketing Toolkit

Download Ade's top local marketing hints and tips guide. Download the PDF here.

LTA Coach Forums

The LTA Coach Forums are an opportunity for the UK coaching workforce to connect together and get an insight into strategic priorities, upcoming programmes and coach support available via the LTA.

The forums are a core part of our educational support for grass-roots and development coaches, and are a free benefit for LTA Accredited Coaches. 

For more information on the content of the upcoming LTA Coach Forums or to book your place visit 

WhatsApp Group

In January 2021, Somerset LTA created a new Somerset Coaches WhatsApp group. The aim of the group is to keep everyone informed, engaged and working together. If you would like to join the group, please contact Ade Bates on 07776 138088.

Financial Support

Somerset LTA is keen to support current and aspiring coaches in gaining LTA coaching qualifications, including Padel.  Somerset LTA can fund up to 50% of the professional fees (exclusing travel or subsistence) subject to the criteria laid down in the document shown below. 

Please note, that the remainder of the costs are to be borne by the individual or through additional support provided by clubs, schools or the local authority.  In all cases, the individual is expected to fund a minimum of 25% of the professional costs themselves and having gained the qualification, is expected to coach in the county for a minimum of 2 years and to support county competitions on a voluntay basis.

The Financial Support document and Application Form can be downloaded here.

Coach Development Courses

View the  list of courses available to coaches via the LTA website.