This section provides details of competitions available to players of all ages and standards. There are many opportunities to compete both as individuals and in teams which are great for challenging yourself regularly.
For further information about competing, please click here.
Somerset's main competition that we encourage all players of any standard to enter is the Somerset County Championships held at Taunton in August each year. Those selected for junior county training are expected to play in this event as it provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate ability and potential. Look out for the dates and application forms in the County Championships section of this website.
For those players of a higher standard, there is an opportunity to represent the county in the Junior County Cup events which are held at different times of the year in venues across the country. There are separate County Cup competitions for six age groups, 18U, 14U, 12U, 11U, 10U and 9U with the players being selected by the county. These players will normally be drawn from the squad selected for junior county training.
For further information about County tennis in Somerset, please click here.
We are committed to ensure that tennis is played in a drug free environment and that the principle of fair play is adhered to in all circumstances.
We take this responsibility very seriously and strive to ensure that all competitive matches are played in a fair, transparent and inclusive manner. Any digression from these principles is to be brought to the attention of the Council immediately.
World Tennis Number
The LTA is introducing the ITF World Tennis Number – a brand new, inclusive and modern rating system for all players in Britain which will replace the LTA Rating System in Spring 2021. Click here for further details.
Competition Grading
To help players identify suitable competitive opportunities so they can play against others of a similar standard competitions are graded from 7-1, progressing from local club level to county, regional and finally national level competitions.
Grade 7
If you are just starting to compete, Grade 7 competitions offer a great opportunity to gain some competitive experience in a local environment. These include local competitions such as club or squad box leagues and ladders. This grade of competition counts for ratings but not rankings. To find out more contact your local tennis venue or LTA regional office.
Grade 6
Competitions in this grade are usually match-plays which are open to all players to enter. They are run throughout the year and across the country and offer players in all age groups the chance to develop their competitive tennis. This grade of competition counts for ratings but not rankings.
Grade 5
These competitions take place at local club or county level and are open to players of all ages and abilities. They might be for specific age groups or cater for different age groups within one tournament. These competitions count for both ratings and rankings. From September 2019, players will be accepted for Grade 5 competitions on a First Come, First Served basis. Find out more information about this change.
Grade 4
These are county level competitions giving players the opportunity to gain competition experience at the next level and count for both ratings/WTN and rankings.
Grade 3
These are regional level competitions that count for both ratings/WTN and rankings. There are opportunities for players of all ages to compete in grade 3 competitions throughout the year.
Grade 2
These are national level competitions and count for both ratings/WTN and rankings.
Grade 1
This is the top level of national competition and counts for ratings/WTN and rankings.