Inclusive Tennis

Tennis Opened Up

Tennis can be adapted for any level of ability, as well as for players with different disabilities. It can be adapted to make it easier, slower, and simpler to participate in. It is also a great sport to play too, with proven physical and mental health benefits for disabled people.

All the equipment and aids you need can be supplied to give the sport a go. There are sports wheelchairs if you have a physical disability and require the use of a wheelchair, and tennis balls that make a noise when they bounce if you’re visually impaired enabling you to track the ball with your hearing. There’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go and having just as much fun playing the game as everyone else.

Please visit the above tabs to find out about Wheelchair, Learning Difficulties, Visually ImpairedWalking Tennis or Deaf Tennis opportunities in Somerset.

Inclusive Tennis in Somerset

With the 2021 LTA 'Open Court' Programme, Somerset LTA and a new link with SASP, we can focus on a return to Wheelchair and VI Sessions. There are plans to add on a Downs Syndrome session to the normal scheduled LD. In addition, we want to enhance what are basic 'Walking Tennis' Sessions to encompass people from the 'Age UK' and Mental Health organisations.

There are ambitions to increase, what at present are minimal activities, into areas of Somerset, that have had little attention before.

Most of the provision takes place at Blackbrook Tennis Centre.

Should you wish to find out more, please get in touch with Ivor Griffiths on  07779 911374 /

For further information about Inclusive/Disability tennis, please visit the LTA website.